It is customary to formulate this problem in terms of marriage arrangements. 习惯上常常用婚姻选配的形式来提出这个问题。
Conflicts and Adjustment in Qiandongnan Miao Customary Law of Marriage with National Law 黔东南苗族婚姻习惯法与国家法的冲突与调适
On the other hand, the customary law arbitration is mainly used in the rural areas, what it settles are mainly about the disputes from land, marriage and property. 由于尼日利亚普通法仲裁存在的缺点,使得普通法仲裁现在已很少使用,而习惯法仲裁主要适用于农村地区,它解决的主要是农村社区中当事人有关土地、婚姻、财产等方面的纠纷。
Both the Marriage Law ( 2001) and the Customary Law of Ethnic Minority has its own resriction on the establishment of marriage relation. 2001年婚姻法和少数民族习惯法对婚姻关系的缔结都有着自己的限制。
Under such circumstances, the Ming and Qing regimes made compromise with the customary practices in the grass-root society, they made certain readjustments of some outmoded clauses of the marriage laws so as to maintain social stability. 在这种情况下,明清封建政权为了维护社会稳定的需要,采取了向民间习惯让步的方式,着手对婚姻立法中部分不合时宜的条款,进行了某些调整。
The main content of "May 4th" drama included objecting to the customary marriage, objecting to the traditional moral concept and advocating human individual. 五四剧作以反对旧式婚姻,反对传统道德观念,张扬人的个性而著称。
This essay explains the folk rule is the folk-local expression of customary law through a case study on the marriage by capture in the south of Yantze River in China in19 century. “俗例”是习惯法的民间&地方性表达。作为婚约俗例的一部分,“抢亲”现象发生和存在于特定的时代背景和区域人文环境之中。
In the Yuan dynasty, the practice of legislation and judicature was obviously affected by Mongolian customary law, for example, penalty, marriage and inheritance systems. 元朝的立法司法实践受到蒙古族习惯法的影响仍然十分明显,如元朝的刑罚制度、婚姻继承制度。
The Miaos 'Customary Law Concerning Marriage and Its Social Value in Southeastern Guizhou 黔东南苗族婚姻习惯法及其社会价值
Is the trend on the development of Buyi customary law of marriage. 是对布依族婚姻习惯法发展的趋向思考。
In the process of change in contemporary, contemporary value of Qiannan Buyi customary law of marriage appears day by day, and the connection and interaction between state law gradually mature. 在当代的变迁过程中,黔南布依族婚姻习惯法的当代价值日益显现,与国家法的衔接与互动日渐成熟。
Chapter marriage rules of customary law with national law adjustment, from the legislative, government, judiciary, civil society in four areas, from four different angles to solve the Qiandongnan Miao customary law of marriage and state law conflict. 第四章婚姻习惯法规则与国家法的调适,从立法、政府、司法机关、民族地区发展四个方面,四个不同的角度来提出解决黔东南苗族婚姻习惯法与国家法冲突的有效措施。
Li customary law marriage with the development process Butterfly made of monogamy, underling marriage advocate autonomy and the concept of marriage ban blood, forming a series of system matched with the institution of marriage and complete rules of marriage. 随着黎族婚姻习惯法发展过程中蝶变而成的一夫-妻制,在倡导婚姻自主、禁绝血缘婚的观念下,形成了一系列与婚姻制度相配套的系统而完善的婚姻规则。